Logos Used. Work Cited. My Process + FINAL POSTER

After I submitted my poster I did a few (probably unnoticeable to anybody but my ocd) tweaks with the alignment and spacing of the text. I also adjusted the blue and stars to more accurately reflect their position on the American Flag. I do have some color issues that I am having difficulty solving ( the final version colors seem to be a bit muted) If anyone has any solutions I’d be grateful for the feedback.

Fast Food Nation Final


This is the flag that I created without the text and stars. I included this so that you can more easily see the logos and how they were used. It was interesting to work with these types of graphic images in Photoshop as opposed to Illustrator. In illustrator I would have probably been able to create this image but it would not have been as seamless as what i was able to do with Photoshop. The Pen Tool, Clone Tool and being able to subtract and duplicate specific elements are really key functions that work best with Photoshop. 

 The Arby’s logo can be seen slightly in the red bar stripes. because this image is on a white background I had to remove the white using the magic wand. I wanted the least amount of white as possible when I used the clone tool to blend the red layer.

 The White Castle logo can be seen as part of the blue star backdrop. I had to first remove the yellow and fill in the white with a tonal blue.

Forgive me for being an artist and poor patriot! I was not totally sure how the lines and stars and stripes lined up (of course i knew there were 13 and 50 but that was it!) so I used this flag clip art as my guide . it was not used in the image but used as a guide for accuracy ( ex the blue stops at the 4th red bar, 6 stars then 5 then 6 etc)

used in the red bars. its a png image created on a transparent background so i was save a step in having to remove any white. 

This was probably the biggest headache . I needed blue and believe it or not there are not many fast food companies who use blue. I used the pepsi logos and edited them quite a bit by removing the white and red and filing in with tonal blues. I wanted to maintain the appearance of the logos as much as possible and am not totally happy with the outcome but…que sera, que sera!

Everybody’s Favorite. I went with the traditional McDonald’s logo as opposed tho the new one. I left the golden arches because it added something I could not put my finger on…but it just looked better.
 all used in part in the design. the Taco Bell logo had to be edited quite a bit and the color adjusted to blue instead of purple. The Burger King logo was edited quite a bit as well. I removed everything except the red Burger King text using the pen tool. The KFC logo and face was just so darn iconic I didnt mess with it much. I filled in everything except the face in red with the paint bucket. 

I blended all the images together using the clone tool,used the grid and shape tool to create and position a white stripes layer and imported a layer of stars that i aligned and created in illustrator. I adjusted the tone of the entire composed image so that the colors had the same ‘feeling” and then added a grain filter. lastly i added the text using the IMPACT font and hand drew the X and Whopper with the paint brush tool.

About Kitty Hawk

A 30 something writer and artist from New York City. Other than hustling words she enjoys quiet picnics in Prospect Park, long walks on the beach and mechanical bull riding.
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